Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Compliments of the Season

Ixoras are in full bloom and this first picture is a pot-pourri - by Mithoo the gardener. There are several colours and sizes of flowers to be found on different bushes dotting the compound.

This bush in the picture above produces both orange and yellow flowers.

This one is a classic flower - fiery orangey red.

This is a bush of miniature blooms.

Wow, strike me pink! This is the first time we've managed to grow this colour!

I have no words for these - but Mithoo Mali has done a great job arranging them.

Another precious new entrant this year - golden yellow.
I hope these flowers have brightened your day, wherever you are!



They did, they did! And I love the caption beneath the title

Anonymous said...

all the photos are very nice.

Ranu Singh Taragi said...

Delightful. A visual treat!